However, the 10 antiviruses on this list all performed really well. Each detected a wide range of malware samples, included a comprehensive range of additional features, and did enough to keep my device fully protected. Overall, Norton gave me the most consistent results in my malware tests, making it my favorite Windows antivirus of 2023.
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No free antivirus will fully protect all of your data, but there are a few free Windows antiviruses that do a decent job of protecting your PC. They always lack necessary functions that are needed for 100% cybersecurity protection though, like:
Most of the antiviruses on this list still work with Windows 7, and they are all great products. But make sure you check if Windows 7 is still fully compatible with the antivirus you choose, and for how long. For example, Bitdefender will stop supporting Windows 7 in July 2024, and McAfee has already discontinued its support for Windows 7. 2ff7e9595c