With 15 U.S. states and Washington DC already allowing medicinal marijuana users a legal alternative to managing their own pain, advocates fighting to legalize, regulate and tax cannabis claim their time is near. In November, California voted against ending cannabis prohibition all together, but the measure was defeated by just over 700,000 votes with Proposition 19 forcing the global spotlight on the issue of pot law reform for recreational use. Medicinal use of the plant, however, continues to forge on as a trojan horse of sorts. As more chronic pain sufferers praise marijuana's healing power and debate over lost tax revenue and expensive jailing for offenders grows louder might warrant a closer look into the financial viability of legal sales.In an attempt to take a closer look into marijuana's alleged medicinal values, we consulted Danny Danko, High Times magazine's senior cultivation editor, to help us identify the most popular strains for medicinal use. Highlighting excerpts from Danko's new book, High Times Field Guide to Marijuana Strains, we compiled a list of marijuana strains that he claims to have medicinal value.What are the top medical marijuana strains today? Click ahead to find out!By Oliver Quillia & Paul ToscanoPosted 8 Dec 2010
Item Spotlight! – Hydrocane
Doctors began to prescribe OxyContin at an alarming rate. As more prescriptions were written and OxyContin tablets were in circulation, problems with misuse of the medication were in the spotlight. Although the drug was coated to release medication slowly in the body, the coating did not prevent users from intentionally misusing the medication for recreational purposes. The tablet could be cut, chewed, crushed to snort nasally or crushed and dissolved to inject it into the body. This misuse of OxyContin causes a rapid release of the powerful drug into the body, giving the user a dangerous high.
The Supreme Court held that a law enforcement officer's act of shining a spotlight for illumination does not ipso facto constitute a detention under the Fourth Amendment, but rather, the proper inquiry requires consideration of the totality of the circumstances, including the use of the spotlight.Defendant was charged with drug offenses after a law enforcement officer conducted a search of the car he was driving. At issue was whether the officer engaged in a consensual encounter when he pulled behind Defendant's car and turned on his spotlight. The court of appeal concluded that spotlight illumination and approach on foot did not "manifest a sufficient show of police authority to constitute a detention." The Supreme Court agreed, holding (1) under the totality of the circumstances, Defendant was not detained by the officer's use of a spotlight; and (2) remand was appropriate for a new factual finding as to whether the officer's detention of the vehicle's female passenger effectuated a detention of Defendant.
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